Saturday, 24 September 2011

Harajuku Girls

Those crazy, crazy Harajuku girls!  They dress up, they congregate near Harajuku Station, Tokyo, they pose, they outrage old folk.  And they are great photo material.  They collect pictures of themselves, and each other, dressed up in often self-made costumes of their favourite manga or anime characters.  It's a great, free day out in expensive Tokyo if you like to take photos, or just like to watch Cosplay, or even just watching creepy old men taking pictures of outrageously dressed young girls. 

My images do not belong to the Public Domain. All images in this portfolio are owned and © copyrighted by Peter Pascoe. Any reproduction, modification, publication, transmission, transfer, or exploitation of any of the content, for personal or commercial use, whether in whole or in part, without written permission from myself is prohibited by law. All rights reserved.

Sunday, 4 September 2011

Playlist for last night's show (3/9/11) The Hell Special

Spinal Tap  Hellhole  Tragically Good!

The Gates Of Hell - Black Sabbath
To Heaven From Hell - Diamond Head
Alison Hell - Annihilator
Welcome To Hell - Running Wild
Born To Raise Hell - Motorhead
Hell's On Fire - Steel Panther
Neverending Hell - Centinex
Helleluyah! (God Is Dead) - Vader
Go To Hell - Carcass
Full Of Hell - Entombed
Hell Awaits - Slayer
What Hell Can Create - Sodom
Into The Lungs Of Hell - Megadeth
Servant In Heaven King In Hell - Kreator
Hell Hole - Spinal Tap
Last Caress / Green Hell - Metallica
Hellbent For Jesus - Tankard
Hellbent For Leather - Judas Priest
Silence Of Northern Hell - Blood Stain Child
Hermod's Ride To Hell (Loke's Treachery Part 1) - Amon Amarth
Planet Hell - Voivod
Commanding The Legions Of Hell - Goatwhore
Send Them To Hell - Toxic Holocaust
Burn In Hell - Merciless Death
Master Of Hell - Witchburner
Hell Trucker - Gama Bomb
Bullets From Hell - Destruction
Cajun Hell - Exodus